Master Of Arts Curriculum

First Semester
CET 501 Education, Instruction, and Technology
Relating education, instruction and technology. Discussion of relevant theories, products and practices. Critical analyses of educational implementations of technology, the notions of technological determinism and neutralism, concepts of teaching, learning, and understaning. Use of "teaching for understanding" as a test case.
(2+0+2) 3 8
CET 511 Theoretical Foundations of Technology Based Learning Environments
Basic principles and theories of technology based instruction. Fundamental approaches and courseware types, modeling tools, tutorials, simulations and games, drills, interactive learning environments, hypermedia, intelligent systems and general purpose tools. Selection, development, implementation and evaluation of courseware on the basis of learning theories.
(2+0+2) 3 7
CET 561 Research Methods in Educational Technology
Research issues in educational technology. Research methods. Experimental and quasi-experimental research design. Qualitative and quantitative data. Statistical techniques and computer based data analysis. Writing research proposals and reports.
(3+0+0) 3 7
Elective Area Elective 3 7
Second Semester
CET 514 Distance Education and Internet
Foundations of distance education. Historical development of web based education, current approaches and tools. Development of Internet based courses. Using Internet as an educational resource. Content development tools. Usage and evaluation of Internet supported/based courseware.
(2+0+2) 3 8
CET 542 Design and Implementation of Technology Based Learning Environments
Components and principles of technology based learning environments. Adaptive systems and intelligent tutoring systems. Analysis of learning environments, content and cognitive styles. Identifying learner needs. Approaches to educational use of technology, design, development, implementation and evaluation of technology based environments.
(2+0+2) 3 7
CET 579 Seminar in Educational Technology
Analyses and interpretations of applications of educational technologies from various perspectives, e.g. faculty, graduate students, and invited guests from industry and academia.
(0+1+0) 0 1
Elective Unrestricted Elective 3 7
Elective Area Elective 3 7